The FIRE movement is growing in Australia, with more blogs, online communities and meetup groups emerging regularly. When you are on the track of financial independence and early retirement, it can help to connect with others to keep motivated on the journey.
Beyond the Australian bloggers (many listed on Rockstar Finance here), there are other ways to connect with other Australians on the path.
Social Media
Mustachians Australia – A Facebook group for fans of Mr Money Mustache who are living the lifestyle, with occasional meetups in different cities.
Choose FI – Australia – Local Facebook group inspired by the Choose FI podcast in USA, there are also city chapters with meetup events in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.
Financial Independence & Early Retirement – Less active Facebook group for Australians seeking financial independence and/or early “retirement”.
Reddit – FI Australia group
An Australian version of the popular Reddit thread r/financialindependence, the FI Australia subreddit covers a range of financial independence and early retirement topics in a local context, with over 5000 readers and an active weekly discussion post. Some recent good posts include eliminating advertising as part of your FI journey, differences between American & Australian investing, and lifestyle investments with guaranteed returns.
Online Forums
Mr Money Mustache forums – An off-shoot of the infamous Mr Money Mustache blog, the MMM forums include an extensive collection of FIRE questions, case studies, individual journals, and meet ups. Use the search facility to find Australian posts and users. Some key forum threads are:
- Australian Investing Thread – Australians gather on the Mr Money Mustache forums at the ‘Australian Investing Thread’. At 73 pages and counting, it is an epic forum thread to navigate through covering many facets of working towards FI locally, so use the search feature!
- Australia-USA Mustachian Philosophy Differences – Another good thread that helps to put the plethora of USA resources and information into an Australian context.
Know any more great places to connect with the Australian FI Tribe? Comment below or get in touch with extra suggestions.