Our local community of financial independence bloggers is growing in Australia. Reflecting on the year-that-was provides a solid grounding for making further progress towards future FI goals.
Check out the 2019 spending reports and annual reviews from a diverse range of Australian FI writers – you might discover new favourites to follow in 2020.
Do you have a 2019 roundup to include? Let me know by email or Twitter @FrugalityFreedm!
All About Balance – 2019 in Review
“I know these sorts of results are not going to happen every year, though, for now, I’m revelling in the good times 2019 have brought in the wealth space. No matter what happens in future, I am setting myself a foundation of success and engraining some good habits.”
The Frugal Samurai – Bye Bye 2019!
“I’ve seen both sides of financial success now, and lemme tell ya, balance is KEY.”
HisHerMoneyGuide – 2019 income and expenses: We saved $189,718 – 88.5% savings rate
“With 2019 done and dusted, the big question we’ve been asking ourselves is whether we reached our goal of saving 90% of our income over the course of the entire year.”
The FI Explorer – There Lies the Port – Year in Review and Monthly Portfolio Update – December 2019
“Yet the progress has not been linear, or a smooth course across calm waters. Rather, it has been a year of broadly two different halves.”
Money Flamingo – Exposed – The Money Flamingo Household’s 2019 (and 2018!) spending!
“I’ve decided to start the year on the blog by doing something we hardly ever do – share some numbers. I’ve detailed in our plan why we have chosen not to share our numbers. However, we’ve decided to make an exception for our annual expenses.”
Latestarterfire – 2019 – A year in reflection
“In January 2019, for the first time in my life I set some goals. I admit I did not do a very good job at tracking them through the year. But strangely, the fact that I made the effort to set some goals was enough to get the ball rolling.”
Strong Money Australia – Our Year in Review: Strong Money Adventures in 2019
“We’re now into our third year of freedom, since reaching the FI checkered-flag back in 2017.”
Strong Money Australia – How Much Did the Strong Money Household Spend in 2019?
“Believe it or not, last year was the first full year we’ve actually tracked our spending, and I only did it because of this blog! Before that I used to just estimate our annual spending, but there was no ‘proof’ as such.”
Aussie Firebug – Savings/Income Review 18/19
“My number one tip has always been to track your expenses. You won’t ever know how much passive income you’ll need to FIRE unless you do and it creates good financial habits.”
Dividends Downunder – Dividend Update: December 2019
“Ultimately we want to grow our dividends so that they cover our expenses, when we reach it we will be financially independent. The earlier we can achieve this, the better. Every dividend received is a step on the financial security staircase.”
Snowball Journal – Year 2019 Reflections and Goals For 2020
“I have known about the magic of compounding for decades but it is one of those things which solidifies itself when you have first hand experience. I am thankful for this understanding.”
Lifelong Shuffle – 2019 – A Year in Review
“I believe that I have honed my habits and intuition enough that I do not need to spend a great deal of time tracking spending and saving, or agonizing over purchasing decisions… However it would be wise to remain wary, for it is in these moments that that the ship can sail off course.”
Just Baggage Enough – December Progress Report – Annual Totals – 2020 Goals
“It’s the third year in my five year plan to retire – we’re almost at the half way mark which is both exciting and scary!”
Slack Investor – 2019 Calendar Review and, at last … some quality
“Sometimes people ask me what stocks to buy – and I seldom have a good answer for them – particularly if they are just starting out on the path of buying shares and their portfolio carries the risk of just one or two stocks. These two ETF’s have given Slack Investor an easy answer.”
The Flawed Consumer – 2019 wrap up… And, an announcement!
“I set myself numerous financial, health, kindness and knowledge goals in 2019. In the first half of the year, I made some good progress on some of my goals, and not so much on others. The trend remained the same for the second half of the year… So… How did we end up?”
FIRE by Thirty-Five – December 2019 Wrap Up – End of the Decade!
“2020 is set to be an interesting year because while we haven’t reached FI yet, Mr/ FIRE and I are starting to feel really comfortably rich and questioning why we live the way we do. Building better relationships and working through our mid-life identity crises is taking a higher priority to building our bank accounts.”
So good to have all of these compiled into the same post, thank you! I get a lot of inspiration from all of these blogs but without a doubt, HisHerMoneyGuide. I mean $13 on eating out? Insane (and inspirational)!
Yes, such an interesting insight into other Aussie bloggers’ priorities! Ha, I’d spend $13+ a day on eating at times, but then I often avoid paying rent by free housesitting. Swings and roundabouts!
Thanks, Michelle for including me! I love our local Aussie content – you are right that we are a diverse group, yay!
You’re welcome. Keep kicking goals in 2020!
[…] Michelle from Frugalityandfreedom.com shares a list of 2019 recaps from several Australian bloggers. Don’t be afraid to take a trip down this recap rabbit hole! Check out her recap! […]
[…] Michelle from Frugalityandfreedom.com shares a list of 2019 recaps from several Australian bloggers. Don’t be afraid to take a trip down this recap rabbit hole! Check out her recap! […]