Today, we put eyeballs on Australian financial independence content by Aussie HIFIRE, Strong Money Australia, Money Bites and FIRE by 35. Top notch international posts came from Vox, Mr Fundamental, Life Outside The Maze and Humble Dollar.
Australian FI Weekly
Highway to Retirement joins us in the guest curator seat today. This Queensland blogger chose Australian links by HisHerMoneyGuide, Sustainable Living and Downunder Dad. International financial independence content chosen came from FIRE on the Plains, MrFree@33, Route2FI and FI After 40.
Edition 35 welcomes financial independence posts by Strong Money Australia, The Joyful Frugalista, Firstlinks and Latestarterfire. International links come from The Fioneers, Ecofrugals, Career Lions and Handful of Thoughts.
Today’s guest curator is The Frugal Samurai, a 30-something from Sydney on the path to FI. Read his chosen links from A Family on FIRE, The Happiness Investher, and Frugality & Freedom. International posts by ESI Money, The White Coat Investor, The Wealthy Accountant, and Wealth Awesome.
This week brings excellent FI posts from I Live Off Dividends, Remember To Water, Dividends Down Under, and Super Guide. International appearances include The Escape Artist, Spills Spot, and Darius Foroux.
Money Flamingo took a break from their 1000 Days To Freedom to guest curate today’s edition. Read their chosen links from Aussie Firebug, A Family on FIRE, Barefoot Investor and Strong Money Australia. International links by JL Collins on Mad Fientist, Escape Artist, Your Money Or Your Life and Mr Money Mustache.
Sending you this edition of #AusFIWeekly from my bedroom self-isolation. Read links by Simply + Fiercely, The Thrifty Issue, Captain FI, and How to Money Australia. International posts by City Frugal, Rich and Resilient Living, Life Outside The Maze, and Modest Millionaires.
Today’s guest curator is Canberra couple ‘Adventures with Poopsie’. See their picks by That Girl on FIRE, Strong Money Australia, Enough Time To and HisHerMoneyGuide. International links by A Purple Life, Modern FImily, All Options Considered and Millennial Revolution.
Project Palm Tree has picked today’s AusFIWeekly links. Read Aussie posts by Burning Desire for FIRE, The Joyful Frugalista and Latestarterfire. International links come from Baby Boomer Super Saver, The Escape Artist, Firewalkers and Kristen Edens.
Today, we learn about surprising lifestyle benefits of following FIRE, as told by Keepin It Frugal. Other Australians featured are Adventures With Poopsie, Sufficient Fundz and A Family On FIRE. International posts come from Tawcan, Four Pillar Freedom, Emily Guy Burken and The Frugal Physician.