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Welcome to another edition of #AusFIWeekly. It’s Michelle here from, bringing you this regular selection of great financial independence links and events from Australia and abroad.
Every second week, I welcome a member of our local FI community to choose some favourite financial independence links (archives here). Say hello to today’s guest curator, David from But Wait, There’s Less! Over to you…
I’m David. My wife and I are discovering the joys of owning less, purchasing less, wasting less, spending less, stressing less, and working less. It’s amazing how much better life can be just by doing things a little differently from the herd. I share our thoughts, experiences and learnings at But Wait, There’s Less. Yes, a title with both “less” and “wait”. So strange in our instant consumerism world. 🙂
Facebook @BWTLblog
Australian Links
How To Waste A Year’s Wages – But Wait There’s Less
The big three of FI – housing, transport and food. See how the “upgrades” on these three items could cost a couple like us an additional full-time wage. This helped me understand how high-income people can still struggle to save.
Minimalism And Money: Peas And Carrots – That Girl On Fire
Clearly fewer purchases means more cash. But it’s deeper than that. “Minimalism is about the re-evaluation of priorities. It’s about understanding our internal motivators, what brings us joy – and of course, what doesn’t” and developing an immunity to the advertising bombardment.
9 Surprising Lifestyle Benefits From Following the FIRE Lifestyle – Keepin’ It Frugal
These really are the surprising benefits. Going beyond the primary benefits that get people interested in FI, these are the skills and character traits you may develop along the way – the positive side-effects.
4 Money Lessons That Changed My Life – Strong Money Australia
While there can be an enormous amount of detail in FI, it can also be summed up in a few core principles. If you had to explain the philosophy of FI to someone in a short time, these four lessons would be a good start.
Australian Events
Mon 13 July, 7pm AEST – Aussies on FI/RE: Financial Independence & Retiring Early (Part 2) free webinar – SkilledSmart
Tue 21 July, 9.30am AEST – Your Roadmap to Coast FI free workshop – The Fioneers (US). I’ll be joining as a special guest for this webinar. 🙂 Michelle from Frugality and Freedom
International Links
Life Energy Calculator – Your Money or Your Life (USA)
What’s your real hourly wage, factoring in the personal time and expense of getting ready, commuting etc? Discover yours, and use it to convert prices into how much of your life they cost you.
Barrett Cookbook – Choose FI (USA)
Choose FI co-host Brad Barrett often mentions his wife Laura’s delicious meals that she makes for usually less than $2/person. Now the cookbook is available as a download. Try them out yourself.
Dream Bigger – Becoming Minimalist (USA)
This post refers to minimalism, but it also works if you substitute FI. “It will define my lifestyle, but not my life. Dream big dreams with your life. Pursue greater achievements with your newfound time, energy, and money.”
The Best and Worst Thing About Financial Independence – Mad Fientist (USA)
“Financial independence gives you the freedom to do anything you want with your life”. But there’s a flip-side. “Now, if you aren’t living the life you want, you only have yourself to blame.”
Thank you to David from But Wait, There’s Less for selecting this week’s links. Follow his journey to live a less cluttered, more meaningful life at
Want to be an #AusFIWeekly guest curator? Got other Australian blog posts to recommend? Get in touch.
Yours in pursuit of FI,
Michelle @ Frugality and Freedom
PS. Subscribe to get Australian FI Weekly in your inbox each Monday.