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It’s Michelle here from, bringing you the latest #AusFIWeekly. Each edition is a handpicked selection of great financial independence links, news, and events from Australia and beyond.
This week, I enjoyed hosting a meetup of FI enthusiasts in my current home of Auckland. I find it refreshing to chat to fellow money nerds and bloggers in person; plus it’s rewarding to facilitate connections between others and help strengthen local FI communities. Check out the notes and recommendations we discussed on the blog’s meetup page.
Enjoy this week’s links and look out for another guest curator in the next edition.
Australian Links
How Do Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Actually Work? – How to Money
“Despite being a fantastic tool for both new and well-versed investors to gain diversified exposure to specific indexes, there are some intricacies that specifically apply to ETFs, which are good to be familiar with.”
Happiness Through Financial Independence – Captain FI
“Financial Independence is all about choice. The choice to direct your efforts and energy into the things you care about. The freedom to do this is liberating, and literally can give you unlimited options to pursue your life goals and dreams, and ultimately, to be happy.”
Step One Is The Most Difficult In Investing – Snowball Journal
Do you know what is the hardest thing you have to do if you want to do something but it is not familiar? It is getting started. Yes, that is the most difficult thing… Getting started with something requires a huge amount of energy. Not just with us humans but other systems in our physical world have a similar problem.
Being Rich Eliminates 67% of Life’s Problems – The Frugal Samurai
“There are 12 major problems which everyone – rich or poor – have to deal with… However, if you look at it closely, the rich generally just struggle with 4 of those issues: Family, Death/Disability, Time Management and the Weather.”
Australian Events
Adelaide: FI/RE & Mustachian Meetup – Sat 21 Dec 2pm, CBD
Want to meet Michelle in person? This is where you can do it!
Brisbane: Mustachians Australia – South Brisbane MMM 2 Year Anniversary Meetup – Sun 24 Nov 1pm, Holland Park
Brisbane: Mustachians Australia – MMM Brisbane North and South Christmas Picnic – Sun 15 Dec 1pm, New Farm
Melbourne: FI Meetup Melbourne – Monthly Wed Night Meetup, Wed 20 Nov 6pm, CBD
Perth: Choose FI Perth – December Meetup, Sun 8 Dec 11am, Kings Park
Sydney: Mr Money Mustache Sydney Tribe – Christmas Picnic, Sat 7 Dec 12.30pm, Inner West
International Links
What If I Don’t Get Hit By A Bus? – Trip of a Lifestyle (US)
“The implication is that it’s risky and senseless to deprive yourself of life’s pleasures, especially in your “best years.” After all, life is fleeting, and it could all be taken away in the blink of an eye… Okay, but like, what if I don’t get hit by a bus? Isn’t that way more likely? Shouldn’t I set up my life assuming I’ll live to be 60+, since there’s a 91% chance that I will?”
The Psychology of Money– 4 Ways Your Brain is Working Against You – Financial Mechanic (US)
“We may be running on a hedonic treadmill, fruitlessly feeding hungry ghosts, living for the present at the expense of our future, or underestimating the effect of our own emotions on our behavior. Understanding the pathways of the brain enables us to identify patterns during times when our brains are working against us. With these psychological phenomena in mind, we can skillfully navigate our way to happiness and financial freedom.”
Financial Independence, Sacrifice, and Misery – DiverseFi (US)
“Many out there are slogging along in their day-to-day jobs miserably sweating it out for some mythical number they define as financial freedom. Is this healthy? Is it realistic?”
Having ‘Enough’ With Vicki Robin, Author of ‘Your Money Or Your Life’ – HerMoney Podcast (US)
“Vicki speaks some hard and necessary truths about the concept of “enough,” and how we can fully embrace what’s “enough” for us. She reminds us that you have to want something else more than you want stuff, and tells us that for every purchase, you need to ask yourself: Is this making me happy? Is this thing really worth the number of working hours I’m going to invest in it?”
I hope you enjoyed these handpicked links. Do you fancy yourself as a guest curator? Got some other Australian events or favourite blogs to include? Get in touch.
Yours in pursuit of FI,
Michelle @ Frugality and Freedom
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